
Wednesday 23 December 2020

Radha Krishna

 “The central character of the text is Radha who is described as the Shakti of Krishna, her devotion and discussion of Gopala Krishna. Gopala Krishna is presented as identical to the nondual Absolute Reality (Atman-Brahman), the sat-cit-ananda, the Guru, the Om and the object of Vedanta, who can be reached by devotion to love.”

-Gopala Tarani Upanishad.

Asura Symbolism

  1. Madhu is honey  (likes),constant seeking appreciation and attension from others because of lack of inner security and does not listen to others and interpret what others says in a wrong way.
  2. Kaitabha is bitter, (dislikes), the inability to take criticism and is angry upon the critics.
  3. The Madhu Kaitaba brothers means, "I am very perfect, no one can teach me, advice me, for me every thing is ok''.
  4. Mahishasura, Mahisasura - The sum total of all Ego features. Resistant to change or evolve, stubborn,  not wanting to complete, but be repetetive, like buffalo in filthy waters. This symbolized as buffalo.
  5. Desires keep changing new forms or ego keeps changing and hiding and appearing,
  6. Dumralochan- dhum is smoke, lochan is eyes or vision, that which prevent the vision of the future or the effects of our action. He always find fault with other's action and would not take any self responsibility to do anything unless forced to do. 
  7. Shumba , that which is struck and cannot move forward.
  8. Nishumba- that which is not stable and always  fleeting forward.
  9. Shumba Nisumba brothers are self-boasting about their possessions, powers and always look down upon others and not want to appreciate others, having no gratitude and want to grab all others values and efforts.
  10. Chanda - The aspect of thinking of actions (scheming) without any ultimate objective (only head no tail).
  11. Munda -The aspect of spending our efforts without intelligently thinking about the consequences of actions (has no head- only tail)
  12. Sugreeva: (Not Ramayan Sugreevan). One who gives a false smile at people with inner hatred. He also gives indirect enthusiasm to do evil wicked egoistic actions. 
  13. Mookasura- silently inner scheming of ego-actions, without speaking it out.
  14. Raktabeeja- creating more seeds of thoughts creating more actions. For one mistake, doing more mistakes. The seed (Bheej) of one action energizes (Raktha-Red) further actions. This is symbolically is depicted as asura Raktha Bheej.

Devi Bhagavatam

Tuesday 22 December 2020

4 Adi / 18 Maha / 51 Shakti / 108 Peethas

1000 Aksauhini

Demon Durgama heard all from the emissaries and started out to fight with his weapons and army. He took one thousand Aksauhinî armies with him (one Aksauhinî army equals large army consisting of 21,870 chariots, as many elephants, 65,610 horses, and 109,350 foot) and, shooting arrows, he came quickly before the Devî and invested Her and the Deva army and the Brâhmins. At this, a great tumultuous uproar arose and the Devas and the Brâhmins united exclaimed :-- “O Devî! Save us; save us.” The Auspicious Devî, then, for the safety of the Devas and the Dvîjas created round them a luminous circle and She Herself remained outside. The terrible fight, then, ensued between the Devî and the Dânavas. The Sun was covered with their incessant hurling of arrows; and the shooters could not shoot accurately on account of the darkness that then prevailed. Then by the collision of the arrows of both the parties, the arrows caught fire and the battlefield again became filled with light. The quarters on all aides resounded with harsh bow sounds and nothing could be heard. At this moment, came, out of the body of the Devî, the principal S’aktis (forces incarnate) 

  1. Kâlikâ, 
  2. Târinî, 
  3. Sodas’î, 
  4. Tripurâ, 
  5. Bhairabî, 
  6. Kamalâ, 
  7. Bagalâ, 
  8. Mâtangî, 
  9. Tripurâ Sundarî, 
  10. Kâmâksî, 
  11. Tulajâ Devî, 
  12. Jambhinî, 
  13. Mohinî, 
  14. Chchinnamastâ,
  1. ten thousand armed Guhya Kâlîs and others. 
  2. Thirty-two S’aktis, 
  3. sixty-four S’aktis, and 
  4. then innumerable S’aktis, 
all armed, came out of the Devî successively. When the S’aktis destroyed one hundred Aksauhinî forces, Mridangas, conch-shells, lutes and other musical instruments were sounded in the battle-field.


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